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Um, its not a real poem though. You see, poems need struture. Which this doesn't have. It's just some paragraphs thrown down. Still, that could have been forgiven if it had a rhyming pattern. But, it didn't have that either. (though not all poems have that, they do require stucture)

For example, it starts off with:

I stand beside my
window, and look at
the street below,
the wind is strong
again, will I die today...

At each break, you're suppose to pause. And if you read it like it's written, it doesn't sound right. Now, obviously you tried using commas instead of line breaks. But thats just wrong as well. You're suppose to use slashes (/) if you do it that way.

So, the correct version would either be

I stand beside my window,
And look at the street below.
The wind is strong again.
Will I die today?


I stand beside my
window/ and look at
the street below/
the wind is strong
again/ will I die today...

Do you see how the first one works so much better? Thats because it reads a hell of a lot easier.

Anyways, this was just a movie clip with a badly written tweened "poem". I'm not impressed.

That song bugged me throughout the movie, as I knew I had heard it before but couldn't place my finger on it.

evil-eternal-destiny responds:

wow really read into it...isnt a poem a expression of the person...so why does it need structure, its art nonetheless and art is not tamed or has rules...poetry is art... so ur trying to correct my art... plz if anything just relax in life... and just let others express themselves in their own ways and means but thanks for the rev anyways...you know i went to art school and you sound like alot of the kids that went there...never liked them...thanks anyways

Hahaha, I disagree with that last reviewer

All original ideas are good and this is proof!

So it's not a spoof of Magical Trevor. I was kinda expecting that.

Silly shit that doesn't make sense = funny stuff :)

The whole style of this kinda felt like salad fingers. Without the, you know, creepy shit.

Haha, loved the whole rubbing the bowl....with his face! thing

Seizure scenes usually bother me, but that wasn't that harsh on the eyes. And it was funny too :P

So yeah, in summation, great stuff, I <3 it :)

wallpaperman responds:

you're review makes my work worth doing

lol, craziness

Right from the jumping little skulls I knew this was going to be good :)

All of the rawring was rather annoying, but still it ended up being pretty good for a Foamy spoof.

unwellpuss responds:

Grizzly is not annoying, he's talking about ethics and poetry, and other intellegent things. It's just hard to understand.

Pretty good.

I like the way you animated it, but I think you should be more steady with lines when drawing. For example, the pencil looked kind of messed up because it was all crooked lines. And I couldn't understand a lot of what the morphed voice was saying, was I supposed to? Other than that, keep up the good work.

PeppermintRoo responds:

You picked up on something that was very intentional. In other earlier flash videos I've made lines quite steady and mathematicaly proportional to perspective and depth of field. I wanted this one to be completely spontaneously mouse drawn, let the sketchy lines lie where they fall.

And no, you're really not supposed to understand the majority of the morphed voice. The only thing I was hoping people would pick up on was when the teacher says, "Oh, somebody throw something at Chris."

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Means much to me.

Quite nice

Hehe, the guy was kinda cute looking.

I liked how you made it semi-interesting to those of us who could care less about guns of the civil war (I being one of those people)

Yep, nice and long for its file size.

So yeah, it's educational, however, its mostly just a bunch of statistics. So its hard for all of this information to get stuck in my head.

Anyways, I liked the animation and everything, just not the subject. Therefor, I think I shall go give the rest of your works a looksie.

Oh yeah, and what was the grade you got?

Rammer responds:

ill email you when i get the grade ;) im guessing i got an A, though. i did a 4 page report along with this, and alone it would be a B, but since im doing this is defeinetly an A. sorry you didnt like the subject, but i know its a bit...boring. my other stuff is a lot better, except for my other project which wade was supposed to delete....thanks!

'ello Pox

Haha, quite good there pox, quite good. I knew as soon as I saw your name there were going to be some well drawn graphics and of course I was not let down in the least.

But did I expect Piconjo to be in this fine film? Why no I did not. But that only increased teh <3 :D

Nicely drawn animated sillyness ^_^ What more could you ask for?

Me <3 so much, I shall add to mah favorites. Go going pox *thumbs up*

izax-1 responds:

Don't kick yourself.


omg, "Paly" Thats original :D

Hehe, I have that song downloaded :P

That is one kick ass sword ^_^

Yeah, I think this must have been one of your earlier flashes because your later stuff is a lot better. This is just a bit of pointless violence :/

StampedHand responds:

Ya ya, I sucked ass when I made this. I think it was my second flash actually. I've bettered myself now as you can see.

Pretty good clock movie :)

Sucicide = bad
Making flash = true

haha, so true.

Interesting how there's another clock movie call Home Entertainment System

That hallalujeuh (sp) song was perticually funny. Whats it called?

So yeah, a nice clock movie, I really don't have much to say beyond that.

StampedHand responds:

You again, you fucking stalker! Ya that other "Home Entertainment System" movie by rilstix was submitted 20 minutes after mine, so I fucking win. Ha ha, ya well anyways glad you liked the movie, oh and that song was called like hallelujah by some weird techno band actually I cant quite remember. Thanks for the review.

w00t for clocks :D

haha, clock movies when properly animated all always great fun to watch ^_^ and you my good sir know how to animate clocks. Your tweening was top-notch, smooth and leaves nothing to be desired, and you even added a little tiny bit of fbf! :D ~joy~ Yes, good work my friend. I'm going to go watch your other movies now.

StampedHand responds:

Hey, thanks a lot. I'm glad you noticed all the little stupid crap that nobody else notices, it makes me go "cool, I'm not being all retarded and uptight about my animations for no reason.... well except for story lines." I’m going to go respond to the rest of your wacky reviews now.

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Age 37, Female

Occupying space.

Fayetteville, Arkansas

Joined on 9/2/03

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