Hehe, whoo! Good stuff :D
Haha, I remember watching your Bubble Tea back in the day. Great stuff, great stuff. And now I see that we are blessed with another fine movie from you. Fantastic. Well, let's get on to the review.
I've noticed that you seem to really like the phrase "Oh my rod". Quite unhealthy young man.
Haha, you used a yahoo IM sound in the movie. And you used that whoosh sound about a hundred times. I think that having a larger stash of sounds to use would improve the overall quality of your movies.
For a first movie in a series (will it be a series? I merely assume) it seems to lack an introduction to the characters. Which would have been nice. How did they meet? Why does Moochoo want to blow up the world? I am quite the curious.
lol, what does Steve say? "Cue the libarians"?
Graphics were very good. Absolutely nothing to complain about on that end.
My favorite part was when Bottlerocket sneezed. Hehe, cute.
Haha, IJUMP. Subtle little joke :P
Why is an alien attracted to a robot? Or maybe he's in love with the pancakes. Mmmm, pancakes. I know I wanted to eat the screen at the perticualar moment. Yes, perhaps that was it. He feel in love with the stack of pancakes. And who doesn't love pancakes? Not loving pancakes should be a sin.
So yeah, in summation, a very wacky and all over the place movie. Funny, crazy, silly, random, and it has pancakes! ^_^ What more could you ask for?