Not good enough
If you're going to do a remake on a classic game, you have to make sure its really good. Otherwise, don't even bother, as someone else has already done it before you.
Not good enough
If you're going to do a remake on a classic game, you have to make sure its really good. Otherwise, don't even bother, as someone else has already done it before you.
I bored
*yawn* works better than sleeping pills -_-
When I saw the title I thought this was going to be some kind of shooter game with Halo as the theme. It seems that I was wrong. Instead I get this....coloring game? Erm, no thanks. I'm not 3 years old.
well sorry. if you read the description you'll find out
I got to level 6
Its annoying when there a lot of spaceships on the screen because then you can't shoot the ship you want to because there are so many in the way.
A very fun and originial game, I do hope you make a remake because it was quite fun while it lasted.
OMG its PONG!!!1
Number of pong games in the portal=111
Seriously, don't you think we have enough?
At least the song hasn't been used before in a famous flash. Oh wait....
Uh huh
Found: at least 5 other Family Guy soundboards
Yeah, its been done. And there wasn't even enough content in this one for a prank call. Or anything really. Just....lame.
I agree, its definetly been done before, I was just hoping I could bring something new to the table, which apparently didn't go over so well.
The graphics were pretty shoddy. There were three randomly placed pictures of Farnsworth, and a generic solid background. The text boxes looked like they were badly drawn in MS Paint, and some of the words are barely readable. Although it was a funny collection of sounds, it looks like the author took little time putting the flash together.
Nice, for a poitn and shoot game.
The graphics were very nicely drawn.
I was getting frustrated from missing those Gungans at times. I would have my mouse right over them and still miss >:(
In my limited time playing, the best I could get was stormtrooper. (with 39 kills) Oh well, they're cool.
Haha, oh, and the Mortal Kombat homage was a nice touch :)
~Seizure_Dog's random quote for this movie~
"Toast please."
I also have to agree
It is quite the original "dress up" game.
I am a little confused on why the messege and stickers aren't on the bag itself but oh well.
Funny how you can print them out :P If I had a printer set up I might consider shooting one out.
I'd love to hear how this was inspired by the BBS. Any specific tread that gave you the idea?
Oh, and I so second that Make a Box idea :D
~Seizure_Dog's random quote for this movie~
"I have a pet box. His name is Alan. Say hello Alan."
"Good boy Alan."
You can drag the message and stickers.
topic -
interesting quote
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Age 37, Female
Occupying space.
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Joined on 9/2/03